Facts & News Health

Spasms or leg cramps could be the first sign of clogged arteries

Spasms or leg cramps could be the first sign of clogged arteries

# Try not to disregard early indications of elevated cholesterol

Spasms or leg cramps could be the first sign of clogged arteries. Elevated cholesterol is named as the quiet executioner. As though not opportune recognized and made due, it can prompt significant medical conditions like coronary illness. Tragically, it may not generally introduce itself in telling signs, which can prompt distinguishing the condition frequently when it has demolished your wellbeing. At the point when there is an excess of cholesterol in your blood, it begins amassing in your corridors and can prompt a few real signals which ought not be disregarded. One such indication can strike in your legs.

# High cholesterol and peripheral artery disease (PAD)

Untreated high cholesterol can lead to plaque build-up in your arteries. Plaque is made out of cholesterol and other fatty substances, and its build-up in your arteries can make them narrow. Constricted blood vessels can disrupt the smooth blood flow to your body parts, triggering the first noticeable sign, often seen in the legs. This is called peripheral artery disease (PAD).

# Leg spasms are a warning sign

Leg spasms or cramps are likely to be the first symptom of peripheral artery disease. These happen due to sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement.

It can feel like a clenched muscle that is very uncomfortable and painful. PAD can also present with intermittent claudication, which is pain and discomfort in your leg muscles that happens when you’re active and stops when you rest. This is usually caused by blood flow problems, which could be resulting from plaque-clogged arteries.

# ​How to identify your cramps are a sign of PAD

Pain or discomfort in the legs can develop due to multiple causes. However, leg pain can often be identified as being PAD-related if it develops with activity, goes away with rest, and comes back when you resume activity. Intermittent claudication can also make your legs feel numb, weak, heavy, or tired.

While it is most likely to strike in your calves, this pain can also travel to your thighs and buttocks. The pain can be severe enough to limit your ability to participate in physical activities.

# Other warning signs of PAD

Apart from leg spasms or cramps, PAD can also lead to a burning or aching pain in your feet and toes while resting, especially at night while lying flat.

Other symptoms include cool skin on your feet, redness or other colour changes of your skin, more frequent infections, and toe and foot sores that don’t heal.

# Getting tested is important

Even though it is important to know all the tell-tale signs, high cholesterol and even PAD may not always cause noticeable symptoms.

Due to this silent nature, the best way to determine your cholesterol levels is through a blood test.

According to the NHS UK, for the test, your doctor willdraw blood. In case your results show high cholesterol, consult your doctor. Such as cutting saturated fat from your diet or taking medicine known as statins.

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