Tips for First Time Puppy Owners
Tips for First Time Puppy Owners Tips for First Time Puppy Owners. Congrats! You’ve chosen to take on a doggy or have previously carried another pup to his…

Kuno National Park Gets Helipads To Welcome Cheetahs From Africa
Kuno National Park Gets Helipads To Welcome Cheetahs From Africa Kuno National Park Gets Helipads To Welcome Cheetahs From Africa. Prime Minister Narendra Modi brings in gigantic news…

Can Dogs Eat Cucumber?
Can dogs eat cucumber? Possibly you were preparing a salad and your dog accidentally grabbed a piece of cucumber, or maybe you are looking for healthy treats for…

Texas Paramedic Rescues Dog That Fell off 70-Foot Cliff
A dog named Stout satisfied its name after “marvelously” surviving a plunge off a 70-feet cliff in Texas. An emergency medical service called the rescue of the pet…

2020’s Latest Problem is This Bear with Fierce Nunchuck Skills
We were all worried about Skynet. Meanwhile, nunchuck bears.pic.twitter.com/ZfGMIkYFl3 — Kevin Brackett (@KevinRBrackett) July 12, 2020 He’s Bruce GrizzLee. A bear in Japan has gone viral online after…

Rescue Abandoned Dog Only Bones & Skins Dying of Starvation
https://www.facebook.com/friendsofpet/videos/418638458832407/ Video Credits : STRAY PAWS

Stray Dog Brutally Beaten By Guards In Mumbai Passes Away
Almost 13 days ago, a stray dog was mercilessly beaten up by two guards in Worli, Mumbai – all because he sought shelter from the heavy rains in a building….

Paralysed Rottweiler Dog Was Dumped After Being Used for Breeding
A Rottweiler Dog named Susanna was found by Isabel Zapata and her friends in a dumping ground in Florida. Susanna was covered in flies and seemed to be…