Animals Food

Can Dogs Eat Cucumber?

Can dogs eat cucumber? Possibly you were preparing a salad and your dog accidentally grabbed a piece of cucumber, or maybe you are looking for healthy treats for your dog. People can eat cucumbers, so are cucumbers safe for dogs to eat?

The short answer is yes, dogs can eat cucumbers, inasmuch as they avoid pickles. In fact, with the vegetable’s low caloric value and water content, cucumber can make a good healthy treat for your dog.

As usual, you should ask your vet before sharing any human foods to your dog, including cucumbers. Here’s everything you need to think about giving your dog cucumber.

Facts About Cucumbers

The cucumber (scientifically name Cucumis sativus) is a broadly developed plant having a place with similar family as zucchini, watermelon, squash, and pumpkin. And it’s technically a fruit.

It contains many nutrients beneficial to people just as certain animals and insects. People have been eating cucumbers for more than 3000 years and they exist in different varieties, everywhere on the globe.

Are Cucumbers Safe For Dogs?

Cucumbers are around 96 percent water, which makes them an astounding, hydrating treat for dogs. They’re low calorie treats, which makes them an excellent choice for dogs on a weight loss routine.

Cucumbers also have vitamin K, which keeps your dog’s bones solid and healthy. They have nutrients and minerals that help keep your dog’s liver and kidneys working properly as well.

What’s more, as a little something extra, cucumbers have phytochemicals and phytonutrients that help eliminate bad breath. Obviously, taking care of your dog cucumbers shouldn’t replace brushing their teeth, but it can assist with dogs who have stinky breath.

Can Dogs Eat Cucumber Skin?

Will cucumbers hurt dogs in any way if you feed them with the skin intact?

Like most leafy foods, the skin of a cucumber contains a large portion of the nutrients and supplements.

Notwithstanding, dogs can think that its difficult to digest the skin. If you are serving a cucumber along this way, ensure you slice it as thinly as possible.

Cucumber can have a high measure of pesticides on their skin and pesticides are risky for pets to consume. When giving cucumber for dogs as a treat, you should always wash it completely.

Also, as a sanity check, you may think about peeling the cucumber.

How Can I Safely Give Cucumbers To Dog?

To begin with, talk with your vet. They can tell you how much cucumber, if any, you should feed your dog and the number of servings will be appropriate.

As with all fruits and veggies, make certain to altogether wash cucumbers before feeding them to your dog. Cut them into more smaller pieces, as simply giving your dog a cucumber to chew on could easily become a choking hazard.

It’s also prescribed to eliminate the cucumber skin, as dogs have a difficult time digesting them. In any case, a little bit of cucumber skin here and there won’t be inconvenient to your dog’s health.

Additionally, make certain to just give your dog cucumbers with some restraint, as a lot of this hydrating vegetable can give dogs gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea.

Try not to give your dog pickled cucumbers, AKA pickles, as the spices used to prepare the pickle can be dangerous for your dog. Stick to plain, peeled cucumbers if you need to give your dog a healthy snack.

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