Women with beard used to feel uncomfortable and wanted to blend in with the crowd. They are often seen as juggling performances and received fierce ridicule. It has always been thought that women’s faces are more attractive without hair. In this sense, many women have shaved or trimmed their beards and beards, which is an important part of their identity. Women with beards cannot avoid feeling unattractive, but this is changing. Here Are Some Women With Beard Set The Whole New Standard For Beauty.
By 2021, active physical exercise is becoming more and more popular, and facial hair, just like full-body hair, is quickly becoming the norm and is worthy of pride. Through the #BeardedWoman campaign on Instagram, more and more women ignore the hair removal rules and let their facial hair grow naturally without fear. The women in the series chose to give up maintenance in order to convey a powerful message of acceptance and self-love.