Health Treatments

Bursitis Home Treatments

Bursitis Home Treatment

Home treatment for bursitis include the use of mullein tea, chamomile, skullcap and hops, lobelia oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, ginger, alfa, castor oil, sesame oil, olive oil, lavender oil, potato, sandalwood, cayenne pepper, vitamin E oil, and emu oil in different forms. Even stretching exercises are a good home-based cure for this ailment.

What Is Bursitis?

Bursitis refers to an inflammation of bursa or joints. This is due to bruising, continuous rubbing, overuse, or excessive pressure over the bursa. It may also be the result of gout, arthritis, or any kind of infection. It mostly affects the hips, knees, ankles, elbows, toes, and shoulders. Usually those undergoing lot of physical stress are the victims. The patient experiences swelling, restricted movement and pain while motion. The condition can be cured by simple and easy to perform home remedies for bursitis, but if the pain persists, medical guidance should be sought.

Home remedies for bursitis can effectively treat this problem, which is related to inflammation of the joints. Many people mistake it for arthritis. Bursitis can affect almost any joint and the list includes not only knees, but also hips, ankles, heels, elbows, or shoulders.

There are over 150 bursa sacs present in the human body and inflammation in any of them results in unbearable pain. It is sometimes referred to as Baker’s Cyst or Housemaid’s Knee. Bursa is a sac that contains fluid that aids in lubrication of the joints, thereby protecting ligaments, muscles, tendons, and skin while rubbing against bone.
Bursitis occurs due to continuous rubbing, bruising, overuse, or excessive pressure over the bursa. It may also be caused due to gout, arthritis, or any other severe kind of infection. The mechanical shear caused by these factors becomes aggravated due to routine physical activity. It is therefore better to start the cure as soon as the symptoms are noticed.

It not only affects individuals in their old age, but also teens, athletes, or those who undergo a lot of physical labor and are active in their regular life.

Symptoms Of Bursitis

Pain in the affected region


Warm to the touch

Prominent pain while moving body parts

Difficulty in movement

More pain during morning and night and less during day

Home Treatment For Bursitis

bursitis treatment

Home remedies for bursitis include:

Mullein Tea

Prepare some mullein tea and soak a clean cloth in the preparation. This is to be regularly applied over the affected region. This decreases inflammation and pain.

Chamomile, Skullcap, and Hops

Tea prepared of chamomile, skullcap and hops can be used for application over the area of pain. This results in faster healing of bursitis.

Lobelia Oil

A traditional herb, lobelia can also be used for the treatment of bursitis. The oil obtained from lobelia can be applied to the inflamed region to get relief.

Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar

Make a mixture of two teaspoonfuls each of honey and apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Drink it once a day until relief is observed in bursitis pain.

Castor Oil

As per the Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies, castor oil can be applied over inflamed regions to calm pain. It is one of the simplest known home remedies for treating bursitis.


Peel some ginger and grate it. Make a poultice of ginger and apply it over the bursitis-affected area. Ginger can also be taken directly on a routine basis to treat the condition.


Alfalfa is known to speed up the recovery of inflamed bones and should therefore find way in daily routine. It is a rich sources of minerals and is therefore a good home remedy for bursitis.

Sesame Oil or Olive Oil

Slightly warm olive oil or sesame oil can be massaged over the affected area using your fingers. Cover this area with a cotton cloth to keep it warm. This relieves pain and reduces swelling as well.


Make a paste of sandalwood by mixing a teaspoonful of it in water. This should be applied over the joints, which will calm the pain.

Lavender Oil

Put a few drops of lavender oil in the bathtub before taking a bath. This provides relief to the joints.


Grate some potatoes and soak them in a cup of water overnight. This should be strained the next morning and consumed on an empty stomach.

Cayenne Pepper and Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix some pepper in apple cider vinegar and boil the mixture, along with water. Soak a cloth in the decoction and apply it externally over the bursitis-affected region. This will give you relief and is a known home remedy for bursitis.

Vitamin E Oil

Oils containing Vitamin E can be applied to bursitis-affected areas in order to increase the movement and flexibility of the joints.

Ice Pack

Take a cube of ice and cover it with a cotton cloth. According to KidsHealth, ice packscan be applied over the affected region and it is believed to provide relief from inflammation. The treatment should not exceed 20 minutes in duration.

Emu Oil

Emu oil is known for its high linoleic content, which has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in curing bursitis. Emu oil is obtained from a bird native to Australia, known as the Emu. A small amount of emu oil can be gently applied over the affected area.

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