Food Health

Amazing Soaked Almond Benefits

Soaked Almond Benefits

Adding soaked almond to your daily or weekly health regimen can help you unlock all the nutrients and active ingredients in these popular nuts.

What are Soaked Almonds?

Soaked almonds are simply almonds that have been soaked overnight, rather than eaten in their raw form. By soaking the almonds, you are able to reduce the amount of tannins and acids present in the skin of the nut, which can inhibit nutrient uptake by the body. Essentially, soaking these nuts in water will make more of their bounty bio available for use by your body. Almonds are healthy enough on their own, but by soaking these nuts, you will be able to absorb more vitamins and minerals from them, as well as stimulate enzyme activity in the body that can improve digestion. Finally, they are also more pleasant to eat in terms of texture and can be used in various culinary preparations.

Soaked Almonds Nutrition

soaked almond benefits

This particular type of almond has many of the same nutrients as raw almonds, along with higher levels of key B vitamins and enzymes like lipase. Almonds are also a good source of potassium, dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and a low level of saturated fats. Calcium and iron are also found in almonds, in addition to powerful antioxidants that can improve overall health.

Soaked Almond Benefits

Due to the presence of notably more Vitamin E, dietary fiber, & folic acid in soaked almond, it has beneficial effects on digestion, diabetes, skin appearance, and chronic diseases.


With higher levels of folic acid than raw almonds, soaked almonds can help to prevent neural tube defects, which is caused by a deficiency of folate.

Weight Loss

Not only can the fiber found in soaked almonds help your digestive process, but it can also prevent feelings of hunger, which is ideal for people who are trying to cut back on their calorie consumption and lose weight.

Heart Health

These soaked almonds have high levels of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can help balance cholesterol and prevent heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis.

Skin and Hair

There is significantly more vitamin E in soaked almonds than traditional raw almonds, and this vitamin acts as an antioxidant to reduce inflammation and damage to both your hair and skin.


With a good amount of dietary fiber, soaked almonds can help regulate peristaltic motion and reduce symptoms of constipation, indigestion, bloating, and cramping.

How to Soak Almonds?

If you want to switch from raw almonds to soaked almonds, you will need to think ahead – at least by one day.

  1. The most tried and true method is to simply add 2 cups of almonds to a bowl of water and cover them with warm water.
  2. After 12 hours, you can drain the water and add 2 teaspoons of salt. Then, fill the bowl with warm water again and allow them to sit for 12 hours.
  3. At the end of this 24-hour period, you can easily peel off the brown skin of the almonds, if it hasn’t already separated.
  4. These soaked almonds can be stored for up to a week without losing any of their nutritional potency

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