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President Trump Paid $3M in Wisconsin Recount Only for Biden To Gain 132 Votes

President Trump spent $3 million for recounts in two Wisconsin counties after the political race — yet so far the final result is 132 additional votes in favor of Joe Biden.

Those costly new votes, all from Milwaukee County, presently add to Biden’s lead of almost 20,600 votes in the state.

Trump mentioned recounts in Milwaukee and Dane districts — which are to a great extent Democratic — in order to claw back a victory in the state.

The Dane recount is proceeding; up until now, it’s tipped 68 votes in support of Trump, with the recount there expected to wrap up on Sunday.

A Republican lawsuit seeking to block certification of the state’s election results is still pending in Wisconsin Supreme Court, and Trump’s campaign appears to be preparing still more 11th-hour court challenges in hopes of changing the outcome.

But by law, state election officials must certify the election results on Tuesday.

Milwaukee County Clerk George Christenson promised the recounts results were transparent, accurate and fair.

“There was an examination of every ballot by election workers, a meticulous recounting of every ballot that was properly cast, a transparent process that allowed the public to observe, a fair process that allows the aggrieved candidate who sought the recount an opportunity to observe and object to ballots they believe should not be counted,” Christenson told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Judges have tossed Trump’s lawsuits in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia, and dismissed his election fraud allegations as baseless.

Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania recently certified their results, each declaring Biden the winner.

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