Entertainment Humor

People Who Fixed Things So Badly It Was Funny

The old Indian axiom says, “If the horse is dead, dismount.” But a few people would prefer not to lose money and like to fix it themselves, such as utilizing a plastic straw in a water channel or supplanting windshield wipers with a brush. Here Are Some People Who Fixed Things So Badly It Was Funny.

People Who Fixed Things So Badly It Was Funny:

“I guess, it works…only for males.”

Duct tape forever and ever!

Such a sly dog!

Cozy but still strange…

The great-grandfather of windshield wipers

Guys, winter is coming.

This is just too much!

Almost in the style of Salvador Dali…

Sneakers on the wire

“Hi, hot water is on the phone.”

Flats and plastic wrap against the rain

Just a small crack…

A big toilet bowl in a small bathroom

“Sir, I would find another tailor in your place.”

Sure, the filter is working!

An engineer’s shower

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