
Woman Made More Than $25,000 From Selling Her F*rts Online

When someone contacted her and asked her to make a custom f*rt clip on YouTube, Lush Botanist’s journey to become the “Internet f*rt queen” began. She didn’t want to f*rt in front of the camera, but she eventually followed him. Surprisingly, this video received a positive response, and she soon received requests from others to let her f*rt in front of the camera.

Lush Botanist claimed that she made $25,000 by selling videos of her f*rting online.

F*rting is not something that many people can imagine at will, but it turns out that Lush is lactose intolerant; this means that when you eat anything that contains dairy products, your stomach will collapse slightly. In order to make her stomach f*rt, Ms. Botanist told the Channel 4 documentary that she likes to eat all kinds of cheese. He added that Parmesan will turn your flatulence into a sulphurous taste, while mozzarella will produce large bubbles. In order to get rid of some f*rts in her stomach, Ms. Botanist ate various cheeses and mozzarella.

“I have been doing this business for years. I have received requests over and over again. I thought, ‘you know what? People will pay for it, and I will.” Lush explained. She revealed that she can charge a maximum of US $175 per wind ticket, and the most money she earns in a single day is about US $4,000, which is equivalent to £2900. In total, she made $25,000 from f*rting videos.

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Lush would also f*rt in the jar and send them to her clients, and blow the air on the camera. Interestingly, she even sold f*rt lollipops. F*rting lollipops involves Lush f*rting on a lollipop selected by the customer and then sending it to them so they can suck it. Frankly speaking, from a health point of view, this sounds ridiculous, but this is the lifestyle that some people choose.

Especially Lush shares her f*rt videos through Reddit, Twitter and Instagram, hoping to attract more customers. She shared that the strangest request she received was for her to f*rt on the miniature characters of the miniature train. However, Lush attributes her success to the enjoyment of f*rting because she feels that her clients are enjoying her. The strangest request he ever received was to f*rt on a miniature figure on a model train.

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