
Hottest Plumber From UK Shares How People Are Still Stereotyping A Plumber’s Job.

If you work in a similar industry for more than 5-10 years, you will definitely be good at it. But this doesn’t happen with everyone. Here in this article, we are going to talk about a woman who is dubbed as the hottest plumber in UK. She shares her story and says that she has often received sexist remarks at work. Keep reading to know the full story.

Meet, Carly Gayle, a mother and probably the hottest plumber in UK. She shares her experience as a plumber. Read the full story below!

Carly Gayle is from UK and a mother of one.

She has been in this field for more than 15 years. She started this when she used to help her father during weekends.

Now she has her own plumbing business and earns £36,000 in a year.

Despite having a successful plumbing business, she says that she has often received sexist remarks.

Some people even doubt that being a woman if she is capable to do the job or not.

She has even received comments like ‘where’s the man?’.

Some has even told her things like ‘don’t hurt yourself darling’ after seeing her toolbox and equipment.

She says that these kinds of comments make her fierier and focus on her work.

Carly Gayle was one of just two women out of 200 people at her trade college.

Coming to fitness and the beauty, she says that her job has maintained to keep her body toned and attractive. She also doesn’t let dirt affect her skin or beauty.

After seeing her beauty and physique, some people even suggested her to try a career in modeling.

Now she is now teaching her husband Danny how to do more practical jobs around the house.

Despite having a hectic job, Carly loves to get ready and do all girly things like applying makeup and do nails. She is definitely a role model for many girls out there who are in similar industries where people think that women can’t do better jobs than them.

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