When we look at an image, we always focus on the objects represented in the foreground. But sometimes we need to pay more attention to what’s happening in the background – some of these photos often take the internet by storm.
We found some photos where the main action takes place in the background.
“Photobombed by the couple behind my father and I.”

How often do alpacas photobomb your wedding pictures?

“The best unplanned picture I’ve ever taken.”

When the interview is too serious

Have you ever felt like Piglet?

When you’re tired of being that third wheel friend

She doesn’t even realize…

“Got married last week. My favorite picture from the night got photobombed by my buddy.”

Shout out to the guys who timed their jump perfectly

The look on this pilot’s face as his passenger decides to jump and throw her arms into the air while under the spinning chopper blades

Priorities be like


When the mirror makes you look neither skinnier nor fatter

“Took our first ever trip to Disney World. Got photobombed.”

“Can’t take any good pics without your best friend photobombing them.”