Imagine seeing someone wearing a huge hat full of popcorn without it being Halloween. Your first move would be to start looking at the hat for a few seconds, wondering why this person chose that accessory. Unusual events like this can happen anywhere in the world and to almost everyone.
I’d like to hear from the people involved in these 15 images and get an explanation for them.
This Tampa Police cruiser is in real trouble.

Hangers that show the number of Facebook likes for each item in the store

When your brain level is over 100%:

This mask will cost you $10 at a shop in Guangzhou China. Who on Earth would buy it?

Snoopy’s real face

This pond statue is raising a lot of questions.

Copy-paste gone wrong

Well done.

“My family recently had a wake-up call.”

Just in case you get a hot sauce emergency…

“It was just kernels until he went outside.”

“I don’t even know how this is possible.”

“Found this car covered in artificial grass on the way home from a car show.”

“These shoes I found at Nordstrom are made out of paper.”