
Hilarious Examples of Humor That is Darker Than Night

In a black and black city lived people with a black and black sense of humor. They might make jokes in even the darkest of situations, but they could make everyone around them laugh.

We have collected some hilarious examples of ruthless and cynical jokes that border on horror and glee. They show that black humor is really about having a great love of life. At the end of the article, there is a bonus waiting for you to show you that these jokes can be there even when you don’t expect them.

To avoid a misunderstanding

This guy lost his leg and creates wonderful and ironic images for Halloween every year.

“This is how my boyfriend ‘took care of me’ when I blacked out.”

“Forgot to reposition the camera to take a jumping pic. Looks like we hung ourselves.”

Sometimes it is really difficult to doubt this

It seems a miracle recently happened here

You should have believed me

“Neighbors’ outdoor Christmas decorations…before the cops made them take it down.”

“Had minor surgery today. My husband didn’t want to take any chances, so he wrote instructions on my arms and legs.”

“Dedication page of Introduction to Algebraic Topology.”

The car rammed the café. After some time, the repair was done

“I turned on the motion detection on our nanny cam and set it to email my wife while she’s at work tonight. Then I dressed up in an old Halloween mask and set my plan into motion. My ear is still bleeding from her phone call. But yet I can’t wait to buy more masks!”

“I wore this custom shirt during my wife’s labor. Wife was not amused.”

“My wife dressed up as Lara Croft for Halloween. She’s an amputee, so she improvised.”

“My husband is a psycho.”

This shot perfectly illustrates the outgoing year

Disney had a really black sense of humor

“This is my family greeting me at the airport from a business trip.”

“He lost an arm. She had a double mastectomy. This is their Christmas card.”

“That one friend who always has the beginning and the end of the party all planned out.”

“My sister and her boyfriend are heading up to our cabin tomorrow night, so I left them a present for when they turn on the lights.”

There are unexpected consequences to taking a nap in a workplace

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