Benefits Exercise & Routines Health

Here Are 10 Exercises That Will Help You Practice Good Sleep

Exercise can reduce the time taken to fall asleep as-well-as the time spent awake at night, as concluded by numerous studies.

Stretching and meditative movements such as yoga can improve sleep quality. These exercises evoke the relaxation response because of which the body senses a surge of calming hormones that soothe the nervous system.

Keep in mind that these exercises should not be seen as a replacement for sleep aids and you should consult your doctor before doing any of these if you have a sleep disorder.

Exercises To Promote Good Sleep

Practice these ten exercises before you turn off the lights to boost sleep quality and incorporate a healthy lifestyle –

1. Cat/Cow 

Shifting between the yoga poses releases upper-back as-well-as neck tension and helps synchronize breath and movement.

Steps –

  • Form a tabletop position on the floor, with hands placed under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Inhale slowly, drop the belly, push the chest forward and look upwards.
  • Exhale and thrust the chin toward the chest and round your spine.
  • Move smoothly between the two poses so that with each inhalation, you form the cow position, and with each exhale, you form a cat position.
  • Practice for three to five breaths.

2. Child’s Pose 

The child’s pose relieves tension in the back and shoulders, tenderly stretches the hips, and leaves an overall calming effect in the body.

Steps –

  • Assume the tabletop position, sink your hips back to your heels and place your chest between your thighs.
  • Your big toes must touch one another, and your knees should be as far apart as required for the pose to let you catch a deep breath.
  • Walk your hands out to your front, stretching through your arms.
  • You can rest your forehead on the ground, or if you want a mini massage, put a tennis ball or a massage ball under your forehead and roll gently from side to side.

3. Thread the Needle 

This tender twist releases tension in the shoulders and stretches and loosens the lower back.

Steps –

  • Assume the tabletop position, place your wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • While inhaling, pick the right arm pointing to the sky and palm facing away from your body.
  • Exhale slowly and sweep your right arm under the chest while resting your shoulder on the ground.
  • Let the right palm point up toward the sky and rest your right cheek on the floor.
  • Press your left palm into the earth or deepen the twist by placing the left hand to the small of your back and hold for five breaths.
  • During an inhale, stretch the right hand toward the sky for a tender counter-twist.

4. Low Lunge 

This exercise can help open up the psoas muscle, which is the deepest muscle in the core that links the spine to the legs. The psoas muscle moves us ahead, supports internal organs, and attaches to the diaphragm, which affects our breath.

Steps – 

  • Assume the tabletop position.
  • Place right foot forward between your hands, sliding your left knee well behind you.
  • Place your hands on the ground such that it encloses the front foot, or place them on your front knee.
  • Gasp in five to ten breaths in this position and switch legs.

5. Neck Massage With Balls 

This technique releases neck tension and stimulates the vagus nerve, which is the driving force for the parasympathetic nervous system that affects sleep and mood.

Steps –

  • Settle down onto your back and place a yoga block or thick book under your head.
  • Move your head to the right and put the ball on your upper neck right behind your ear, and gasp in five deep breaths.
  • Gently nod “yes” for three or four times, then nod “no” three or four times and switch sides.

6. Figure-Four Stretch 

This exercise helps open up the hips, relieves tension in the lower back, and counteracts excessive sitting or poor posture.

Steps – 

  • Rest on the back with bent knees and feet placed on the floor.
  • Cross your right foot over the left thigh above your knee.
  • Stay in this position or hold onto the back of your left thigh and tenderly pull both legs toward you.
  • Flex your feet and place your left foot at about knee height or higher.
  • Hold this position for five to ten breaths and switch sides.

7. Knee to Chest to Spinal Twist 

This combination move helps stretch the hips and lower back.

Steps –

  • Stretch your legs out and slide them together.
  • Draw your right knee into your chest, clutch your fingers around your right shin, and tenderly hug your knee in to stretch your lower back and hips.
  • Hold this position for three breaths. Drop your knee and move it across the left leg for a mild spinal twist.
  • Shift your gaze to the right, hold this position for five to ten breaths, and switch sides.

For minor pain ailments, this exercise is the best pain medicine!

8. Legs Up the Wall 

This yoga position targets the hamstrings and relieves lower back tension. It can reduce any swelling or cramps that may arise because of excessive sitting or standing.

Steps – 

  • Settle down with one hip to a wall.
  • Swing your legs parallel to the wall while leaning back and resting your upper body on the ground to form an L shape.
  • Place your right index finger to your nose and slowly close the right nostril.
  • Gasp in five to ten slow breaths through the left nostril only, which can help lower blood pressure, regulate body temperature and anxiety.
  • Release your hand and breathe calmly and deeply through both nostrils.
  • Press your feet on the wall, slightly lift your hips, and roll to one side.
  • Stay on the side for some breaths, and take your time to release the pose.

9. Box Breath 

This relaxation technique can clear the mind and loosen the body.

Steps –

  • Hop into bed, lie on your back, and have your hands rest on your belly.
  • Shut your eyes, inhale for a count of four, and hold the inhale for four.
  • Exhale wholly to the count of four and empty your lungs of air.
  • Stay devoid of breath for a count of four and reiterate the process for three to five minutes.

10. Bear Hugs

This exercise releases tension in the back and shoulders and counteracts posture problems.

Steps –

  • Settle on your back and put two tennis balls or massage balls between your shoulder blades at the top of your spine.
  • Let your knees stay bent, and feet remain on the floor.
  • Lay your head on the floor and stretch your arms out to your sides like cactus arms. Do this for three to five breaths.
  • Hug yourself, crossing your right arm over the left and switch, crossing your left arm over the right. Repeat for a few times.


With stress from work and other daily life-related issues, getting quality sleep has become more of a privilege. However, by following these exercises before bed, you can maximize your sleep time and boost sleep health.

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