Benefits Food Health

Health Benefits of Custard Apples

Health Benefits of Custard Apples

Health benefits of custard apples. This organic product generally known as sugar apple isn’t just a yummy natural product yet in addition gives high nourishments which are expected for our wellbeing and skin. Custard apple has L-ascorbic acid, a cancer prevention agent which assists battle with liberating revolutionaries in the body.
Known as sharifa or sitaphal in Hindi and ‘Bull’s heart’, custard apple is an occasional natural product which is very high in taste, sustenance worth and wellbeing. Such is its multi-faceted advantages that the leaves of the custard apple tree are even utilized in color planning.

Proven & Amazing Health Benefits of Custard Apples :

1# Best for Pregnant Women:
Custard apple is a wonder-fruit for pregnant women. It helps them to cope with morning sickness and mood swings. When regularly consumed during pregnancy, it helps in producing more breast milk. It also manages to reduce the risk of miscarriage and labour pain.
This fruit also contributes to developing the brain, nervous system and immune system of the foetus.
2#Good for Stomach:
This sweet and tasty fruit is good for digestive function. Custard apple is a delicious way to supply your body with good amount of soluble fiber. It helps improve digestion by making stools much softer. It can help in diarrhea as well as dysentery. The magnesium in it aids in muscle relaxation of the alimentary canal.
3#  Controls Blood Pressure:
Custard apples are good sources of potassium and magnesium which help keep the blood pressure levels in control. For those with fluctuating blood pressure levels, a custard apple a day will help keep them in control.
4# Eye Care:
Custard apple is the best bet when it comes to enhancing your vision naturally. This fruit is packed with plenty of vitamins such as vitamin A and E to improve your eyesight. In addition to it, custard apple has vitamin B2 and riboflavin that protect your eyes from vision problems.
5# Prevents Asthma:
Custard apple is rich in vitamin B6, which help reduce the bronchial inflammation and help prevent asthmatic attacks.
6# Speeds Up Healing Process:
Drugs or medicine can heal but its effects are short term. So you need assistance of other foods like custard apple. The fleshy area of custard apple, if used on any kind of injury will speed up the recovery process. Custard apples have anti-oxidants like Vitamin C.
7# Skin Rejuvenater:
Custard apple is not only a delicious fruit, but is excellent for the skin as well. It contains nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, antioxidants, which are required for rejuvenating the skin’s health.
8# Improves Cardiovascular Health:
The well-balanced ratio of sodium and potassium in custard apple regulates and controls blood pressure fluctuations in the body. The high levels of magnesium in custard apple unwinds the smooth muscles of the heart and calms the jerks and cramps, thus preventing heart attack and stroke. Niacin and fiber in custard apple lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in the body. It also prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the gut. Custard apple also prevents the free radicals from attacking lipid, promoting heart health.
9# Facilitates Digestion:
Rich in copper and dietary fibre, custard apple helps keep your digestive tract in the pink of health. The digestion of food and its passage through the gut and intestinal tract becomes smoother. Magnesium present in custard apples helps in curing indigestion problems and prevents constipation.
10# Treating Anemia:
Custard apples serve as a stimulant, coolant, expectorant and haematnic. Moreover, the rich iron source is also useful in treating anemia.
Forget counting the seeds of the fruit, instead, start counting the health benefits and relish the creamy fruit. Leave a comment below to share your views.
11# Helps To Gain Weight:
Custard apples are good for those who need to gain weight. A mixture of honey and custard apple when consumed regularly will help add on the required weight and those much required calories. All in the healthy way.
12# Treats Arthritis and Rheumatism:
Rheumatoid arthritis leads to swelling of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can result in swelling of the tissue around the joints and inflammation related joint disease. Individuals with autoimmune diseases have got antibodies within their blood that focus on their own body tissues and that may be connected to swelling. RA can affect several additional organs of the body and so is known as an endemic illness and is also occasionally known as rheumatoid illness. This can be prevented by custard apple.
13# Lowers Pigmentation :
Custard apple decreases the clustering of melanin granules, reducing brown spots and pigmentation. It also helps to reverse the pigmentation caused due to the free radicals.
14# Good for Fatigue:
Custard apple is an instant source of energy, which helps it in fighting body exhaustion, as well as weakness. The potassium in it helps to prevents fatigue by improving blood supply.
15#  Moisturizes Hair:
Custard apple seed oil is useful for taming wavy and coarse hair. It hydrates and moisturizes the scalp, making the hair lustrous, voluminous and shiny. The high levels of vitamin A in custard apple seed oil hydrate the hair without weighing it down.

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