
Guava Leaf Tea Helps In Weight Loss and Diabetes

Guava Leaf Tea Helps In Weight Loss and Diabetes

Guava Leaf Tea Helps In Weight Loss and Diabetes. For everyone eating ripe, cut guavas sprinkled with a spot of salt and chilly powder carries with it a huge feeling of sentimentality.

Our Elders urged us to eat the organic product with the seeds and skin, which they expressed were pretty much as nutritious as the tissue of the natural product. There’s nothing on earth they wouldn’t do with a harsh advance notice to flush the organic product a long time prior to consuming it.

Guava a tropical fruit that has its origins in Central America. It was brought to India by the Portuguese 17th century. Guava comes in numerous varieties, and loaded with full of nutrients.


They are a rich wellspring of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, manganese, and cell reinforcements. They are low in calories and wealthy in protein and fiber. Guava is full of Minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron.

guavas are good for boosting immunity, help manage diabetes, promote good heart health, anti ageing and helpful in weight loss.

Also, in addition to the tissue of the natural product brings advantages to the table. Research shows that seeds, skin, and leaves all convey a few benefits.

The concentrate of guava leaves has been a piece of customary medication in various regions of the planet. For instance, Japan mixes guava passes on to make natural tea with therapeutic properties.

“These leaves are a force to be reckoned with of cell reinforcements like Vitamin C, and flavonoids, for example, quercetin,”

1. Oversees glucose levels

Scientific studies have found that guava leaf extract has properties that improves blood sugar levels and help long-term blood sugar control, as well as manage insulin resistance.

Drinking guava leaf tea after meals reduced blood sugar spikes. The leaves also inhibit several enzymes that convert carbohydrates into glucose during digestion, which would be useful for people with type-2 diabetes mellitus.

2. Helps in treating the diarrhoea

Guava leaf tea has been utilized in conventional medication to oversee conditions like looseness of the bowels. It was seen that looseness of the bowels was relieved rapidly after organization of guava leaf tea, which hindered the development of Staphylococcus aureus microbes, a typical reason for the runs. It likewise mitigates stomach torment and lessen watery stools.

3. Aids weight loss

Guava leaf extract has the capacity to inhibit different enzymes that convert carbohydrates into  glucose, thereby promoting weight loss. Moreover, it is low in calories and therefore works as a good replacement for high sugar beverages.

4. Anti-microbial properties

Studies point out the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of guava leaf extract. Several compounds in the leaf — including flavonoids, tannins, and acids — contribute to the antimicrobial properties and help treat gastrointestinal issues.

5. Lowers Cholesterol

According to a few lab studies, it was found that guava leaf tea has the capacity to help in lowering the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, also known as “bad cholesterol”, as well as triglycerides, while keeping the good cholesterol in balance.

According to a study published in ‘Nutrition & Metabolism’ in February 2010, people who drank guava leaf tea had lower total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein levels, and triglycerides after eight weeks, whether or not they were receiving medical treatment to lower their cholesterol levels.

6. Boosts immunity

As a rich source of Vitamin C, guavas help boost immunity or maintain a healthy immune system. Their antimicrobial properties also help in preventing different types of infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

7. Relieves menstrual cramps

One study has found that drinking guava leaf tea during a woman’s period helped reduce painful cramps. The study also points out that guavas were effective or more potent than some painkillers.

Here’s a recipe to make the healthy tea: 

  • Wash four big fresh guava leaves (serves one)
  • Heat one cup of water in a pan and add guava leaves to it.
  • Let it boil for five minutes.
  • Strain the leaves out and squeeze half a lemon into the water.
  • Add some honey as per taste.
  • Mix it well.

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