Sometimes all we can do is laugh and take a photo to share. And it’s great. Laughter stimulates the immune system, helps with pain by releasing endorphins (natural chemicals in our body that make us feel good), burns calories, helps create good bonds, and also helps control stress.
And because we know that sometimes the best thing to do is to share kindness with the world, we’ve rounded up these some photos that are sure to make anyone smile.
“My friends got married. Did NOT know they were taking a photo in the window and photobombed the pic.”

The puzzle piece that makes all the difference

“You like krabby patties, don’t you squidward?”

“My neighbor’s Halloween decoration took a surprising turn after a gust of wind.”

“Daddy son bonding time!”

“This shy box.”

“How I wake up every day…”

“These two noodles escaped being poured into the pot by holding on to the package walls.”

“My cat sleeps in the strangest position.”

“My buddy’s dog when the vacuum comes out.”

When you don’t have private parking, this is the car you want

Just freshening things up

“Caught this gem in a Target parking lot.”

“A typical Monday.”

When you ask the kids for help and end up with a different kind of door