
8 Best Fleas Home Remedies & Treatments

Flea Remedy for Home

Flea Remedy for home can include the use of rosemary seeds, fennelseeds, garlic, tea tree oil, herbal oils and shampoos, black walnut hulls, Aloe Vera, vinegar, and natural borax powder in different forms. Fleas can be very harmful not only for your pets but for you as well. Fleas and ticks are most commonly found in dogs and cats, and it is much easier for them to get fleas if they are exposed to stray cats and dogs since fleas take little more than a minute to spread. Fleas are small insects which can be found on the dog’s body, causing your dog to scratch its own body due to the severely itchy sensation.

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are tiny insects without wings, and they simply crawl onto the bodies of animals, according to MedlinePlus. A single female flea can produce 20,000 fleas at a time. They suck the pet’s blood constantly, which makes them feel the itching sensation all the time. Some dogs are very sensitive to fleas and the severe itching and scratching can often make them lose their hair. This scratching can leave sores on your pet’s body, which can then become very vulnerable to bacterial infections.

For pet owners, it becomes very difficult to see their pet experiencing the pain of fleas and feeling helpless to fix the problem. Once your dog is infected by fleas, it becomes very difficult to get rid of them. Even a human can suffer from flea bites. Since pets often roam around the entire house, it is almost impossible for fleas not to spread all over the house.

Flea Remedy For Home

flea remedy for home

Certain home remedies, if followed properly, can help cure and get rid of fleas in as little as a few weeks, says the CDC. They are very effective and have shown promising results without any of the side effects that medicinal creams can often cause.

Tea Tree Oil

Add equal amounts of tea tree oil and water. Put this mixture into a spray bottle. Spray this water on the itchy areas of the body whenever you see your dog scratching and itching. It will give immediate relief to your pet.

Rosemary Seeds or Oil

Rosemary is one of the most effective herbs for fleas, at least in terms of its essential oil. You can also make use of rosemary seeds by grinding them into a powder and sprinkle the powder all over your pet’s skin or you can add few drops of rosemary essential oil in your pet’s bathing water. This home remedy can be very useful and very effective.


Include some vinegar in the pet’s regular drinking water, because it works as a disinfectant.

Fennel Seeds

These work similarly to rosemary oil or seeds. You can use either of these seeds or can mix them up and use them appropriately.


Add one clove of finely chopped garlic into your dog’s food every day. If possible, make use of it in their dinner or meals at night. This will work wonders as it is the most reliable and traditional home based remedy to get rid of fleas.


Add sulfur to your pet’s diet, but limit the intake to once a week. This will help them remain flea-free.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is considered to be very effective and has been used for generations. It is non-toxic, so it carries no side effects. Simply apply Aloe Vera gel on to the infected body parts and this will give relief to the hot spots or the skin irritation caused due to biting and scratching at fleas.

Black Walnut Hulls

These capsules are easily available at the health food stores and medicine shops. Black walnut hulls will repel fleas and ticks.

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