Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Home Remedies & Treatments

Conjunctivitis Treatment Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a very common infection of the eye that is highly contagious, but also relatively easy to treat, particularly with home…

appendicitis treatment

Appendicitis Home Treatments & Symptoms

Appendicitis Treatment Home treatment for appendicitis include green gram, vegetables, whole wheat, ginger, dandelion, fenugreek, and turmeric. Appendicitis refers to abnormal inflammation in the appendix, which is a…

Acid Reflux Home Treatments

Acid Reflux Home Remedy The home remedy for acid reflux are apple cider vinegar, ginger roots, fennel seeds, lavender tea, fruits, and vegetables. More than that, a good…

ashwagandha benefits

10 Impressive Ashwagandha Benefits

Ashwagandha Benefits For Health Ashwagandha, has a wide range of health benefits, ashwagandha benefits include its ability to fight against cancer and diabetes, reduce inflammation, and prevent arthritis,…

Swine Flu Symptoms & Causes

Swine Flu Symptoms | Swine Flu Causes As the name implies, swine flu is influenza that had its origin with swine (commonly known as pigs), and is also known as hog…

benefits of okra

4 Amazing Okra Benefits

Okra Benefits The health benefits of okra include its ability to improve digestive health and vision, boost skin health, protect infant health, prevent certain cancers, and strengthen bones. It also improves cardiovascular health,…

Canker Sore Home Remedies & Causes

Canker Sore Home Remedy Some of the home remedy for canker sore include the intake of garlic, harir, buttermilk, fenugreek, coconut milk, cactus juice, yogurt, tea bag, apple…

healthy skin foods

9 Amazing Foods For Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Foods When it comes to healthy skin, the healthy foods to eat include citrus fruits, pumpkin seeds, carrots, olive oil, certain types of fish, almonds, and much more. In terms of improving the health…

cocoa butter benefits

5 Amazing Cocoa Butter Benefits

Cocoa Butter Benefits The most important cocoa butter benefits include skin and hair care and boosted immunity. It also helps prevent signs of aging and reduce inflammation. What Is Cocoa…

aloe vera juice health benefits

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits | Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects Aloe vera juice is an extremely popular beverage, and it has become even more of a phenomenon in…

treatments for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis Home Treatments

Pancreatitis Home Treatments There are a number of helpful home treatments or how to treat pancreatitis, including the use of acupuncture, tofu, red grapes, reishi mushrooms, yogurt, spinach,…

health benefits of Asparagus

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Asparagus

Health Benefits of Asparagus The health benefits of asparagus include good cardiovascular health, healthy pregnancy, improved fertility, relief from the pre-menstrual syndrome, and improved bone health. It helps…