meditation benefits

10 Amazing Meditation Health Benefits

Health benefits of meditation include relief from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and acute respiratory infection. It increases IQ, pain tolerance and helps in weight loss. It is also beneficial in maintaining blood pressure. What…

Wonderful Health Benefits of Pull-Ups

Pull ups are some of the most difficult and effective exercises for targeting certain muscle groups in the body. By definition, pull ups are a body weight exercise…

8 Impressive Laughter Benefits

Laughter Benefits The health benefits of laughter include the reduction of stresshormones and blood pressure, as well as increased blood flow and oxygenation to the cells and organs. Laughing…

benefits of playing sports

Impressive Playing Sports Health Benefits

Playing Sports Benefits The health benefits of playing sports include proper weight management, efficient functioning of the heart, controlled diabetes, lower cholesterol levels, improved blood circulation, and lower hypertension and stress levels. It…

exercises for sciatica

Sciatica Treatments, Causes & Exercises

Sciatica Treatments | Exercises For Sciatica If you have ever experienced sciatica, then you know that it can be a painful and even a debilitating condition, even if…

how to have good posture

5 Incredible Good Posture Benefits

Maintaining good posture is much more related to energy levels and overall health than many people realize. What is Good Posture? Good posture is a manner of holding your body…

calisthenics beginner workout

Best Calisthenics Workout Routines

Calisthenics Beginner Workout | What Are Calisthenics Workout For people who want to exercise in simple but effective ways, calisthenics is one of the best options to get yourself into peak fitness….