Food Health

Blueberry Tea Benefits & Side Effects

Blueberry Tea Benefits

Blueberry tea offers a number of excellent health benefits, including the ability to protect against cancer, strengthen heart health, increase bone density, boost the immune system, prevent macular degeneration, improve cognitive function, lower the risk of diabetes and raises kidney health. There are very few side effects to blueberry tea, as allergies to this particular plant are rare, but stomach upset and diarrhea may occur if the tea is consumed in excessive amounts.

What is Blueberry Tea?

Blueberry tea is made by steeping the dried leaves of the blueberry bush, as these leaves are packed with antioxidants and nutrients, just like the fruit that the bush bears. Blueberries have become one of the most sought after fruits in recent decades, after the discovery that they had potent antioxidant potential, and can have a hugely positive effect on overall health. These fruit-bearing bushes are native to North America, but were introduced to Europe nearly a century ago, and can now be found in most parts of the world. The most common species is Vaccinium cyanococcus, and the majority of its health benefits are derived from the high concentrations of anthocyanins, polyphenolic compounds and other phytonutrients, as well as vitamin A, C, B and K, potassium, manganese, zinc and iron.

Blueberry Tea Benefits

benefits of blueberry tea

Drinking blueberry tea is a wise choice for anyone experiencing the symptoms of cataracts, low immunity, dementia, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, kidney infections, high cholesterol, hypertension, osteoporosis, low metabolism, nutrient deficiencies and anemia, as well as those at high risk for various types of cancer.

Kidney Health

Two acids found in this tea, ellagic and hippuric acids, help to detoxify the urinary bladder walls by increasing the acidity of the urine. Furthermore, these active components of blueberry tea can reduce the level of oxalates in the body, which can lead to kidney stones.

Bone Density

In some studies, consuming blueberry tea has been positively associated with increased bone density and a lower risk of developing osteoporosis. Although the mineral content isn’t huge in blueberry leaves, there are enough to give your body a healthy boost in mineral intake, keeping your bones strong as you age.

Immune System

Our immune system can be bolstered by both the vitamin C and the anthocyanins found in blueberry tea. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells, and acts as an antioxidant, while the anthocyanins will seek out free radicals and neutralize them before they can cause cells to mutate or undergo apoptosis.


The antioxidants found in this powerful fruit tea can significantly affect your cognitive function by preventing oxidative stress and plaque deposition in the brain. This slowing down of your neural connections is what leads to Alzheimer’s, dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases, and the active compounds in blueberries can help protect your from that.


The vitamin A found in blueberry tea means that this herbal beverage can help protect and strengthen your vision. This vitamin is known to act as an antioxidant, specifically in defending against macular degeneration in the retina and slowing down the onset of cataracts.


Blueberry tea is known to lower blood sugar levels by optimizing the function of the pancreas, increasing insulin secretion and improving insulin resistance within the body. For those suffering from diabetes or others at high risk of developing this condition, this delicious tea works as both a preventative measure and a regulatory treatment!


Blueberries have become known as a superfood because of their apparent effect on cancer; this is in large part due to the anthocyanins found in these berries (and the leaves that make this tea). By drinking blueberry tea on a regular basis, the gallic acid and other antioxidants in this tea can measurably lower your risk for colon, prostate, breast, lung and cervical cancer.

Side Effects of Blueberry Tea

Blueberry tea has very few side effects, and they are limited almost exclusively to gastrointestinal issues and rare allergic reactions. However, other groups of people should be somewhat cautious before adding blueberry tea to their health regimen.

Pregnancy – This tea is packed with vital nutrients to health, but it also has powerful effects on the body and your overall health. If you are breast-feeding or pregnant, always speak to your doctor about your particular condition before adding blueberry tea to your diet.

Stomach Issues – Some of the limited side effects of blueberry tea include stomach upset, indigestion, diarrhea or nausea, but this is only when an excessive amount of this tea is consumed. When drunk in moderation, more specifically, less than 3 cups per day, these side effects shouldn’t occur.

Allergic Reaction – While allergic reactions to blueberries are rare, they can happen, and typically manifest as swollen lips, tongue or gums, as well as skin irritation, redness, swelling and itchiness. If any of these symptoms develop after drinking this tea, discontinue use immediately.

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