The chance to see things from a different perspective ranks among humanity’s great needs. The following images of animals in the womb offer a totally new way of seeing other species on this planet; they cause us to pause, and—at least for a short time—to reflect on everything that is incredible about existence.
Let’s take a look at these beautiful images of unborn baby animals.
1. The Chihuahua puppy is already developing its distinct canine features

2. Baby dolphin feeling the warmth of her mother. Look at the look of pure serenity on this baby’s face!

3. The calm and innocent baby cow

4. Sharks are one of the rare species whose eyes remain completely open during pregnancy. It’s as if he’s saying, “I’m ready to come out now!”

5. Dog inside the womb

6. Snake adapts its shrewdness from the womb itself

7. Two months old Cheetah

8. The King is getting himself ready for his ferocious life ahead- Baby Lion

9. Hairy-hairy baby kitten

10. Only in a few weeks, it will become the fastest tropical shark species on earth- Lemon Shark

11. Seeing a horse without its trademark mane and beautiful coat is quite surreal; it almost resembles an animal candle made from wax, doesn’t it?

12. A perfect miniature of its already-born brethren – Asian elephant

13. What looks like a beary hug will turn into sibling rivalry after these polar bears are born

14. Through the eggshell – Penguin in egg fluid

15. Rulers of the night ‘Bats’ under development