16 People Who Stay Positive Even in Bad Situations

Everyone has a bad day from time to time, which makes us want to stay in bed and snuggle. But some people are able to find optimism in the worst situations, and they inspire us to do the same….

16 Hilarious Pictures That Show The Offices Can Be Fun To Work In

You think that the office is a boring place… until you find something funny and you realize that you can bring humor to work. Some people had hand cameras when this happened to them, and we at The…

18 Pets Who Could Play Lead Role in Any Hollywood Drama

Either way, our pets are the best movie queens. Sometimes they are so good that it’s time to give them an Oscar for once. It seems they show all the events. A simple distraction can make them play dead,…

20+ Children Remind Us How Fun Life Can Be Seen Through Their Eyes

Sometimes having a baby means living with a funny person. We don’t know what they will do or what else they will do. Children are often unpredictable at this stage of life, and their innocence never ceases to amaze…

15+ People Paid Their Hard Earned Money for Disappointment

When we buy something, sometimes we get things that are far from what we expected. It is doubly depressing considering that we have to spend our money on things that destroy our hope. Our modern heroes know what it’s like, because they bought a chocolate chip cookie, a loaf of…

20+ Misleading Pictures That Can Make You Doubt The Truth

Psychologists believe that each person sees the world in his own way. In fact, our brain often creates its own reality and interprets it with our thoughts, feelings, and physical…

18 People Shared Pictures That Are Funnier Than Words

Sometimes we see things that are impossible to watch without laughing. Some of them can make you happy for the day. But the main thing that makes these things fun are the people who write funny stories about the things they catch. We…

20 Photos That Make Us Ask “How Did We Get Here?”

We all know people who have a tendency to act without thinking first – or without thinking at all. And even after the worst failure, they are able to laugh with their friends. “After the rain, there always comes a rainbow,” they say….

21 Hilarious Pictures That Made Us Say, “Wait, What?”

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but these are worth twice as much. Any image that can make you pause and take a second look is memorable, but if it can also…

20+ Dogs Can Boost Your Mood Faster Than a Rocket

As Tom Hardy once said, dogs are like angels – we think most of our readers will not argue with that. They’re really useful, even when they’re doing…

18 Hilarious Girls Who Are Borderline Genius

Every girl has her own sense of humor, idiosyncrasies and skills when it comes to self-advocacy. When all these 3 things are combined, the result is so unexpected that they spread instantly on the internet. We at The Kitchen Survival want to reiterate…

20+ Funny Pictures Perfect To Start The Week With a Smile

A new day can always bring new challenges. This is why it is important to maintain optimal energy from the beginning of the week. It could be watching our pets or children doing incredibly fun things, witnessing a special moment, or even…