Food Vegan

Tofu Benefits and Nutritional Facts that you must know

What is Tofu and What is Tofu Benefits?

Tofu is a byproduct of soybeans that essentially helps in maintaining cardiovascular health. It also boasts a wealth of different health benefits, including a lower risk of cancer, anemia, osteoporosis, and kidney diseases, as well as lower cholesterol levels. It is a good source of protein, eases menopause symptoms, and prevents hair loss.

Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food prepared by pressing coagulated soy milk into flat white blocks. It has been a common ingredient in global cuisines, such as Chinese food, for many centuries. This power-packed food substitute is ideal for vegetarians and vegans all around the world because it contains no traces of animal products of any kind – it is a pure organic food that supplies a wealth of nutritive value in a variety of delicious ways. The name comes from the Japanese word “tofu”, but it is widely enjoyed in many countries for its extremely nutritious composition.

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Nutrition Facts

Tofu has a very low-calorie count, which makes it an attractive option for people who want to lose weight. It contains a very small amount of fat, but a large amount of protein. Furthermore, it has very low levels of sodium and almost no cholesterol. In terms of vitamins and minerals, it is a rich source of iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorous, and it also has good amounts of calcium and potassium. According to the USDA, there are even trace amounts of zinc, which is an essential mineral for health. The organic compounds found in it mainly consist of isoflavones, which have a wide impact on health. On the vitamin side of nutrition, it has significant levels of vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6. It also contains smaller amounts of pantothenic acid and niacin.

Health Benefits of Tofu

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tofu benefits

The health benefits of tofu include its ability to help lower cholesterol levels, prevent anemia and manage weight, among others.

Lowers Cholesterol Level

Consuming tofu reduces the cholesterol level in the body. Additionally, using it as an alternative to the animal protein can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol in the body. As compared to meats such as beef, it has lower levels of saturated fatty acids and higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids. It is also a good source of lecithin and linoleic acid, which helps regulate metabolism, along with the dispersion and elimination of cholesterol deposits in the body.

Maintains Cardiovascular Health

Tofu helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of soy products may lower the levels of saturated fats along with cholesterol levels in the body. A report in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says that tofu has a low sodium content, which makes it good for people with high blood pressure.

Prevents Osteoporosis one of the best Tofu Benefits

Tofu is a rich source of calcium, which is the key ingredient in bone formation. This is why the intake of tofu is highly recommended. Lack of calcium in the body could lead to osteoporosis, especially in old age. Consuming it slows down the entire process by keeping the bones strong.

Prevents Anemia

Tofu, being an excellent source of iron, can help prevent anemia. Deficiency of iron causes a drop in the number of healthy red blood cells leading to anemia. A study conducted in China also showed that tofu helped lower the risk of anemia among adults.

Manages Weight

Intake of tofu also aids in managing weight effectively. A study done in China suggests that soy-based low-calorie diets have a beneficial effect on the reduction of weight and blood lipids.

Treats Kidney Diseases

Tofu, being rich in protein, phosphorus, and sodium, is a wonderful food for your kidney health. These minerals make it a great addition to your renal diet and help prevent chronic kidney diseases.

Brain Health

Tofu is also known to improve memory and cognitive function for women above 65-years age. The lecithin content present in it helps the body produce the phospholipids phosphatidic acid (PA) and phosphatidylserine (PS), which aid in the normal functioning of the neurons.

Liver Damage

Tofu curdled with various coagulants helps prevent liver damage caused due to oxidative stress.


Several studies show that the intake of soy protein lowers blood sugar and insulin levels considerably, thus reducing the risk of diabetes as the tofu benefits.


Thyroid issue: According to a report, infants who are fed soy-diet are more susceptible to thyroid problems, especially those that are born with congenital hypothyroidism. Therefore, those suffering from hypothyroidism are advised to avoid consumption of soy-bean and soy-products.

Gut damage: Majority of soy-products including tofu available in the market are genetically modified. Genetically modified tofu can cause kidney stone, digestive problems, and liver issues too. These GMO products pose many risks to human health as they kill the good bacteria in the gut.

Food allergy: Some people may experience allergic reactions. So avoid intake in case you are allergic to soy products.

Breast tumor: The phytoestrogen present in this soy variety acts like estrogen hormone. When it is consumed in excess, it blocks the natural production of estrogen in the body. Therefore, those women who have a family history of breast cancer and those who are currently battling breast cancer should avoid consuming it.

How to Select and Store Tofu?

There are several types available in the supermarket. The more the water is pressed out during the making of it, the firmer it gets. With a lesser water content, the fat and protein content in it goes up.

Types of Tofu

Smoked tofu: Traditionally, this kind of variety was smoked over tea leaves, but now it is done over beechwood. This kind of tofu has a rich, deep flavor and can be eaten raw as an appetizer or added to a salad.

Silken tofu: It is also known as Japanese-style tofu. It is creamy and soft in texture and has a very high water content. It is usually used in smoothies, desserts, puddings, and dips, and it can also be used as an egg substitute in baking.

Fermented tofu: It is a briny, creamy variety which has been pickled. It is served as a dip for fresh vegetables or can be used to season riceor porridge.

Regular tofu: It has a spongy texture and can be sold as soft, medium, firm, and super firm depending on its water content. The firm variety is generally used for stir-fries and it can even be baked or grilled. The extra firm version works well as a meat substitute and can be crumbled to work as mock meat in dishes. The soft variety is used in soups or in a scramble.

Seasoned tofu: It is already pre-seasoned with different flavors such as barbeque or teriyaki.

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