
Baby Photo of Adorable Australian Mom of Quintuplets Goes Viral

An Australian mother first shared photos of her new quintuple babies in an attempt to explain what it’s like to be “taken for five”. Kim Tucci, the Australian mother who gave birth to twins on January 28, 2016, posted a photo shoot of her children.

Ms. Tucci’s story gained prominence through her Facebook page, Surprised for Five, where she recorded details of her pregnancy. Family photographer Erin Elizabeth, who helped document Ms. Tucci’s pregnancy, organized the photo shoot of her quintuplets.

BBC reported that the 26-year-old mother gave birth to her children in two minutes and were naturally conceived. A team of 50 doctors and nurses participated in the caesarean planned and all children are healthy born.

Kim and Vaughn Tucci wanted to try for one more child to “round off their little family” when they discovered they were set to have five more instead – a one-in-60 million chance.

Now, five months after they were born, Ms Tucci has described how it feels to be responsible for so many little people all at once.

“Fifty fingers, 50 toes, six hearts beating at once,” she says.

“My body fought the toughest of battles to get five babies here safely. Everything I did, I did for them.”

She also described trying to get the babies to the doctor for check-ups.

“The babies are off to another appointment,” she said.

“I’m still overwhelmed by all the capsules lined up holding the precious cargo I call my babies.”

The couple, who live in Australia, even turned to online fundraising to try and buy a car and other items needed to care for the twins. Tucci’s grandmother posted an explanation of her 26-year-old granddaughter’s situation on Gofundme.org.

“Kim is a wonderful mother and Vaughn is a fantastic father, the pressures on this young couple are far beyond what many of us could imagine,” she says.

“Every day they strive to make their family so happy, as they possibly can without passing on their worries and concerns to each other.” The pair had a rented home they currently could not afford to buy and which was not big enough to accommodate everyone, she added. Nor did they have a car with the required nine seats for themselves, their two other children and babies Ali, Penelope, Tiffany, Beatrix and Keith.

Since the appeal went online 24 days ago with the photos, the couple have raised more than $32,000.

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