At the age of 3, children begin to develop critical thinking skills, but those included in this list seem to have passed that time completely.
We at The Kitchen Survival like to take a break in the middle of the day to refresh our minds, so join us!

The joy of being single

Pay phone use in 2018

Uber is expanding

“Wife said we’re having Mexican tonight.”

Thanksgiving is coming…

We’ve hired a new mechanic. He’s a little weird.

The correct way to customize the unused buttons in your car:

Meals on wheels!

The Riddler

Why have one laptop if you can have 2?

I’d say she’s got the beauty part covered…

Now that’s dealing with baggage!

Why not?

“Teacher, I think Tommy is broken.”

They told me bananas were an energizing fruit…

Crazy hair day

Never know when you might need one…

“I bet I can do this in one go!”