
20 Guests Should Not Invited By Anyone

Most of us keep our guests in the car whenever they come to our house so that they feel comfortable. On the other hand, some guests take this generosity for granted and make your day really difficult. For example, eating all the bread and leaving nothing for your guest or leaving your bathroom dirty. Times like these no longer require us to welcome people into our homes. We totally agree when we see the stories below.

“I let an unemployed friend stay with me until she could get back on her feet. This is the kind of stuff I find around the house.”

“My brother’s ex-girlfriend finally moved out of my parent’s house. This is half of the mess she left.”

“I’m leaving a birthday party. There were tears…”

“And this is why I don’t let guests load my dishwasher.”

“The girl that we were housing and feeding for free because she couldn’t fly back home left our guest bedroom like this.”

“I’m having new sod put in. This is how my neighbor’s guest parked.”

They ate the entire cake.

“My son’s friend (in middle school) opened all the yogurts in my refrigerator. Didn’t eat them, just opened all the tinfoil lids.”

The doormat that sends all unwelcome guests away

“Two reasons why I don’t like to host guests. I am ready to punish them for the dirty mirror.”

“My house party got out of hand.”

“I had a party and woke up the next day to find that someone took a chomp out of my shower soap.”

“I had guests over and one of them switched their broken charger for mine.”

“The way guests cut the cornbread at my buddy’s BBQ.”

“When your guest breaks the giant cookie instead of cutting it like everyone else has been doing.”

“My brother came to Christmas and took a shower — this is what he left behind.”

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