
20+ Children Remind Us How Fun Life Can Be Seen Through Their Eyes

Sometimes having a baby means living with a funny person. We don’t know what they will do or what else they will do. Children are often unpredictable at this stage of life, and their innocence never ceases to amaze us.

The kitchen survival wants to show you some times when kids follow their careers as kids.

“So I caught my son making ’potions.’”

“Nap time, I guess. She brought her bedtime snacks.”

“8-year-old playing volleyball with mom for exercise. Thanks, bud.”

“My daughter tripped and fell 2 days ago at the library. I had knee surgery, and now she is vicariously experiencing her pain through me.”

“Someone bit into this fake pear. I’m assuming that it’s a kid from the bite size.”

“My kid likes sand.”

“Picked my kid up from the bus stop today.”

“Kid finds the labelling machine.”

“My son tried to trick the tooth fairy for more money by putting other ‘teeth’ under his pillow.”

“My brilliant kid thought it was a good idea to print the entire Microsoft privacy policy.”

“Just a reminder. Hide all of your devices.”

“I promise I didn’t cut my hair.”

“My son is upset because we won’t feed him dog food.”

“2-year-old put crayons in the dishwasher. There’s no coming back from that.”

“No words.”

“My sister found some large bandaids in the bathroom.”

“I bought a watermelon several months ago, it quickly was ‘lost,’ and I assumed someone threw it away by accident.”

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