
16 People Who Could Barely Hold Back Their Anger

Feeling angry or frustrated is something we all have experienced at some point in our lives. Our first instinct may be to start yelling, accusing, or being hostile towards people or things. However, these reactions are not good for us and there are ways to control these strong emotions. However, it is not as easy as it seems, and the 16 people below are clear evidence of that.

“Got my car totaled by another driver with no insurance, license, or license plate. It got paid off last year.”

“This is supposed to be a ’medium’ burger.”

“My sisters are having ’Junior Senior Wars’ at their high school. This is how my car looked when I woke up.”

“Running though a field chasing my dog, but a random wire between 2 green posts in tall grass put a stop to that.”

“What a view!”

“Pulled the foil off of this to see what was in it, and it’s empty!! And still in the fridge!”

“People who do this are just the worst.”

“Passengers after a flight”

“I live with monsters.”

“My girlfriend ran out of ice, so she used frozen veggies.”

“The hairbrush my daughter leaves hanging in the shower”

“Hired a local contractor to fix a leak under my kitchen sink a few years ago. Installing a dishwasher today, and this is how he repaired it.”

“There was a lovely little tree in that pot when I went to bed last night.”

“The blizzard blew the door of my garage open yesterday.”

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