You think that the office is a boring place… until you find something funny and you realize that you can bring humor to work.
Some people had hand cameras when this happened to them, and we at The kitchen survival want to share these funny pictures with you.
It seems that even he is enjoying the music!
Hopefully, pink is their favorite color.
When you just want to be left alone:
We even have our own Jabba the Hutt!
HR suggested 5 minutes of activity per hour. I think I nailed it.
It seems that the personal performance plans were seriously overdone.
When the boss is on leave:
You have been Caged.
Hopefully, the occupier is not color-blind.
I asked my boss if I could bring a lap-dog to the office.
Sorry, I do not speak your language.
Surely this is the manager. At least.
I think the dude on the left is about to start talking.
When IT guys get bored: