
15+ Employees Need to Give Their Bosses Some Explanations

Some employees are known for their hard work and dedication, and then there are those who seem to do the opposite. Incompetent employees do their jobs so well that we wonder how they were hired in the first place. In some cases, the mistakes are so obvious that they allow you to talk to the boss. That being said, let’s examine some of the most common examples of workplace failures.

“They gave us appreciation gifts at work today.”

“My kid got a matching game for a gift.”

“When you lie on your resume but still get the job”

“It’s a pharmacy. They have another much more gentle ramp in the back of this building for delivery.”

“The irony is strong.”

“Yeah, that’s a bad location for that.”

“The bathroom floor at a hotel I’m staying in…”

“So why are people parking there?”

“Laid the tarmac at the traffic cone, boss.”

“Improvise, adapt, overcome.”

“Making sure the globe looks right? Not my job.”

“Rail’s installed, boss!”

“Quick pole fix”

“The Toe Stubber 3000 at my local gym”

“Added the headline text, boss!”

“Good old Ondon”

“This clearly manually operated tap is apparently automatic, and now I feel tricked twice.”

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