A 34-year-old fitness freak surprises people with her workout videos. The bodybuilder was also pregnant during her last terms as she lifted weights!
The New York-based fitness addict also gave birth to her son in 30 seconds with a single push.
Yanyah Milutinović shares: “I was in labor for a total of seven hours, but I pushed my 9lbs son out in one push and in less than 30 seconds. It is absolutely remarkable! And I’m so proud of myself and my body. ”
She never relaxes and even after giving birth she would constantly try to get up from the sofa or bed to warm up.
About two and a half weeks after giving birth, the mother of two was ready to go back to the gym again. She shared in her post about her: “I focused on my healing and physical performance and not so much on aesthetics after giving birth.”
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“Over the past four months, I have safely rebuilt my strength after giving birth. I’ve even surpassed my strength in many lifts, lifting far more weight than ever in my life.
A little after a month later, she was doing squats with 100 kg.
Half a year after having a baby, she was squatting with almost 200kg.
Yanyah Milutinović shared that her first pregnancy was more difficult and that she was determined to break her own record. The competitive woman shared: “Not being able to pick up anything off the floor, I am now easily lifting 315lbs for 10 reps.”
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“My goal was to squat 225 lbs, which I achieved five weeks after giving birth. And my second goal was 315 lbs, which I hit nine weeks after giving birth. Then, five months after giving birth, I squatted 405 pounds for one rep; And I got my grand total, which was squat, deadlift, and chest press in 60 minutes, at 920lbs.
She advised other women and moms-to-be that pelvic floor exercise was her secret to never losing.
“I have never leaked, not even a little bit, ever. I have listened to my body and worked on my pelvic floor strength/health long before I decided to ever become pregnant,” she shared with her followers. “My pelvic floor is equally as strong as the rest of my body and with the proper exercises I have been able to heal myself from two pregnancies without any complications.”
She also refrains from strict dieting and focuses more on adding proteins to her meals.
“We need to be able to enjoy birthdays, holidays, and business dinners too,” she shares her opinion.
“I think it’s important to remember how amazing your body is and what it has achieved. Be kind to yourself and try to fall in love with the journey instead of the goal. ”
“And so, you will always find happiness in the process of change!”