Growing up can be intense, particularly when you have no clue about what you’re doing with your life. Notwithstanding the entirety of the various difficulties that your day is loaded up with, it’s additionally loaded up with the embarrassing events. Some common funniest awkward pictures include:
Farting in front of your crush
Messing up a speech in front of your classmates
Destroying a performance in front of an audience
At that point, you may have thought ‘this is the most noticeably awful thing ever,’ however truly, it’s truly not that big of a deal.
Luckily for you, your most awkward moment wasn’t caught on camera and shared with millions of people on the internet. If you need to rest easy thinking about yourself, here are some funniest awkward pictures that became a web sensation.
A lot of the embarrassing pictures we’ve seen so far were intentional. But we really don’t think this girl intentionally face planted into the sand. Ouch
This woman just wanted to pose for a cute photo but the lady in the background just HAD to photobomb. Wait… what is she doing!?
If you’re going to fall asleep while sunbathing, be prepared to be used as a human canvas.
There are thieves everywhere. Not only do we have to be wary of all of the human robbers, but now we have to keep an eye out for the seagulls as well!
When you’re throwing around a frisbee with your dog you usually use your hands to catch. However, it looks like this girl wanted to be like her pup and use her mouth. She didn’t catch it.
Also Read: Hilarious Photos That Captured At The Right Time
Tattoos are permanent so you better spell check your tattoo ideas before you visit the artist. We wonder if his ‘mather’ liked this.
When you’re intoxicated, stupid things are always funny. This is pretty funny – unless you’re the one who had to clean this up.
Does this guy realize that he’s making out with a mask? The worst part? It was caught on camera.
Also Read: People Are Sharing Pictures Where Absurdity Smashed All Records
As for this guy, he’s actually making out with a girl but it looks like he’s a little too preoccupied with something else.
Tourists love to take photos when they’re visiting a foreign country. But if you’re going to take a full body photo, be sure the photographer gets your good side.
When you’re visiting the Leaning Tower of Pisa, you might want to pretend to hold it up. But these guys went with a more creative pose.
See a giant pile of mud and sand at the beach? Hover over it and pretend you’re going number two! It’ll be so funny!