The current age has a great deal to offer and innovation appears to keep flourishing as days pass by. Be that as it may, we can’t express the equivalent to humankind since we have strong evidences that people are minimizing as innovation redesigns. Be that as it may, how did this occur? We can’t really censure innovation for this. Here are some strong proofs of people fails.
If there’s anything, accuse the individuals who like to live for the bombs as opposed to advance. In the event that we can’t persuade you with words alone, here are some photographs as strong verifications that this age is crazy. Plan for a ton of absurdity as we present to you the silly individuals of this age.
Ice cream cones are for ice creams, in case you don’t know. And soft-drinks are best served on plastic cups, again in case you don’t know.
If there’s one thing I learned from this generation, it’s the fact that tomato juice can boost one’s creativity in hair-styling.
Calling someone gay is definitely not cool. But to inflict physical harm to someone is much worse. And to laugh about it is actually wicked. Kids these days are savage and it’s not looking good.
Who eats a burger this way? Did this person come from another planet?
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Beer and pizza make a perfect combo for a snack but we don’t recommend taking them in simultaneously. And if you ask why not, then we ask you to do it and risk yourself for a probable choking hazard.
When the recipe book says mix butter and egg to make cookies, it doesn’t mean it this way.
Safety first before selfies, ladies. You won’t be smiling again when the car in front of you crashes into you.
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I don’t think I have the guts to cut open an innocent doll’s head just to pour my wine into it. I’m good with the typical wine glass, thank you.
Baby’s skin is very sensitive and we wouldn’t suggest using babies as testers for cosmetics. In case you don’t know, cosmetics may contain chemicals and allergens that can cause skin irritations. Woman, take good care of your baby. DO NOT use them as initial testers.
No one simply says “It’s hot! I need some sundaes to cool down my nipples!”. That drive-thru personnel must be very shocked from this outlandish sight.
Drinking beer from a fish’s mouth is not the sight we’d expect to see, even if this list is all about people’s craziness. Don’t they know how many parasites are residing in one fish? To summarize all of this, these girls just literally washed away all the parasite from this fish and transferred them all into her mouth. Yucky!
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