Nuts & Spices

12 Amazing Raisins Benefits

The health benefits of raisins include improving digestion, bone health, and iron levels. They also help treat acidosis, bloating, anemia, fever, and sexual dysfunction. They have also been known for aiding in a healthy weight gain, as well as for their positive impact on eyes, teeth, and hair.

What are Raisins?

Raisins are obtained by drying grapes, either in the sun or in driers, which turns the grapes into golden, green or black gems. They are naturally sweet in flavor and are widely used in cultural cooking around the world, especially in desserts. Here are some benefits of raisins.

Are Raisins Good For health?

Raisins may be tiny in size but they are good for you as they pack a nutritional punch. They are considered part of the fruit group, according to a report by the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion. These dried fruits boost energy and are usually added to health tonics, snacks, and compact, high-energy food supplements for mountaineers, backpackers, and campers.

Raisins calories

A 43 gram serving of raisins contains around 129 calories. Since they are high in calories, it is recommended that in a day, you should eat ¼ cup of raisins or 1 small snack box (one and a half oz.) which is available in most grocery stores.

Raisins Nutrition Facts

raisins benefits for health

As per USDA National Nutrient Database, raisins are a good source of energy, fiber, protein, and carbs. They are high in sugar and calories but have a low glycemic index. Raisins contain zero cholesterol and are also rich in potassium, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium. They contain vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, iron, and zinc.

Raisins Benefits For Health

Let’s take a look at the powerful health benefits of raisins in detail below.

Rich in Iron – Treat Anemia

Raisins contain a considerable amount of iron, which directly helps in the treatment of anemia. It also contains many members of vitamin B complex that are essential for the formation of new blood. The high copper content also helps in the production of red blood cells.

Rich in Antioxidants

Raisins constitute a natural source of polyphenols and antioxidants, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Gin-soaked golden raisins are a popular folk remedy which helps relieve chronic pain and especially arthritic pain. Anecdotal evidence suggests that people show improvement in arthritic symptoms between 1-8 weeks of consuming 10 of these “drunken” raisins daily.

Raisins have high levels of catechins that help fight cancer. Catechins are polyphenolic antioxidants present in the blood, that scavenge the free radicals floating in the body, which are one of the primary underlying factors that lead to the spontaneous growth of cancer cells. The fiber content helps promote excretion of bile from the body, thus flushing out toxins that can cause cancer. Therefore, including these dried fruits in your diet can help prevent cancer, or slow down its progress.

Raisins contain antioxidant-rich polyphenolic phytonutrients, which are excellent for ocular health. They protect the eyes from the damage caused by free radicals (oxidants), in the form of macular degeneration, age-related weakening of vision, and cataracts.

Phenolic phytonutrients, well known for their germicidal, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties, are abundantly present in raisins and can help cure fevers by fighting viral and bacterial infections.

Promote Dental & Oral Health

Raisins are rich in calcium, which strengthens and demineralizes tooth enamel. Further, boron present in these dried fruits helps curb the growth of oral germs, promoting strong teeth.

Oleanolic acid, one of the phytochemicals present in raisins, plays a crucial role in protecting your teeth against decay, cavities, and brittleness. It effectively prevents the growth of Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis, two of the bacterial species that are most responsible for cavities.

This is confirmed in a study by Dr. Christine D. Wu, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois, Chicago. As strange as it may sound, while eating the dried fruits, the longer they stick to your teeth, the better, because that ensures an extended contact of oleanolic acid with the teeth, increasing the preventive powers of bacterial growth.

Prevent Acidity

Raisins rich in potassium and magnesium, are a natural remedy for acidosis. Potassium and magnesium are two of the most common components of antacids because they are considered basic on the pH scale. Acidosis is a state of increased acidity of the blood (also known as toxicity of the blood) or the gases in our respiratory system that may cause boils, skin diseases, damage to the internal organs, gout, and renal calculi.

Rich in Calcium & Boron – Promote Bone Health

Calcium, the main element of our bones, is present in raisins, and these dried fruits are one of the best sources of boron, a micronutrient (a nutrient required by the body in a very small amount). Boron is vital for the proper bone formation and efficient absorption of calcium.

It is particularly helpful in preventing osteoporosis induced by menopause in women and is very beneficial for bones and joints. Potassium is another essential nutrient found in high levels, which can help strengthen bones and promote bone growth, thereby reducing the chances of osteoporosis.

Promote Hair Health

Daily consumption helps promote shiny and thick hair as the vitamin C content prevents cell damage. Their anti-inflammatory properties help prevent scalp irritation, dandruff, and flakiness.

Promote Weight Gain

Raisins help gain weight in a healthy way since they are full of fructose and glucose.They form an ideal part of a diet for athletes or bodybuilders who need a powerful boost of energy, or for those who want to put on weight without accumulating unhealthy amounts of cholesterol.

Promote Kidney Health

Potassium in raisins helps prevent formation and the re-occurrence of kidney stones.

Reduce Hypertension

Studies show a positive correlation between reduced hypertension and consumption of raisins. Many of the nutrients packed into them are beneficial, but experts believe that it is the high level of potassium that helps reduce the tension of blood vessels and decrease high blood pressure. A report by Dr. Horacio Adrogue, a specialist in Transplant Nephrology in Houston, Texas, says that the dietary fiber in these dried grapes is also thought to affect the biochemistry of blood vessels and reduce their stiffness, which in turn reduces hypertension.

Improve Skin Health

Antioxidants and vitamin C in raisins help keep the skin radiant, taut, and youthful. Eating them can help prevent conditions like psoriasis and acne as they have strong germicidal properties.

Rich in Fiber – Act as a Laxative

Raisins have an abundant supply of fiber in them, which helps to absorb the natural fluids present in the body. This adds bulk to the food moving through the intestinal tract and ultimately helps give relief from constipation. This type of fiber is considered insoluble fiber because it takes in water to gain volume.

A study by Dr. Gene Spiller, director of the Health Research and Studies Center of the Sphera Foundation in Los Altos, California, confirms that adding just two servings of raisins per day can improve colon function and may decrease the risk of colon cancer.

Treat Bloating

The fiber in raisins helps sweep out toxins and harmful materials from the digestive tract. This can protect people from intestinal diseases, bacterial growth, and discomfort from bloating. These are amazing health benefits of raisins.

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