Health Treatments

10 Beneficial Home Treatments For Lymphoma

Home Treatment For Lymphoma

Some of the most effective home treatment for lymphoma include the use of iodine, green tea extract, artemisinin, parsley, licorice, milkthistle, reishi mushrooms, sunshine exposure, omega-3 fatty acids, olive leaf extract, probiotics, and a reduction in sugar intake, stress, alcohol, and nicotine.

What Is Lymphoma?

One of the most dreaded and deadly forms of cancer is lymphoma, which is essentially a group of blood cell tumors than stem from the lymphatic system. There are two main types: Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (about 90% of all lymphomas), and both can be dangerous. Cancer in any form is dangerous, but lymphoma is prone to metastasizing, and the connectivity between the lymphatic system and the rest of the body makes the spread of cancer a major concern. Lymphomas are the seventh most common form of cancer, and kills over 300,000 people per year. There are a number of different causes of lymphoma, including previous illnesses like Epstein-Barr virus, autoimmune diseases, poor diet, pesticides, and other behavioral/environmental factors.

As with all other types of cancer, there is no formal cure, but there are accepted treatment strategies that can send cancer into remission, and improve quality of life, which include surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy. However, there are some rather intense side effects to these prescribed treatments, so to lessen the side effects of these treatments , and to complement the powerful anti-cancer medications that are often prescribed, home remedies are often turned to. The symptoms of lymphoma include enlarged or hardened lymph nodes, night sweats, fever, weight loss, fatigue, itching, and respiratory distress. If you believe that you may be suffering from lymphoma, you should speak with an oncologist as soon as possible, but adding these natural remedies to your lifestyle is a great idea! Now, let’s take a more in-depth look at the many home remedies for lymphoma.

Home Treatment For Lymphoma


Home treatment for lymphoma include:

Quit Smoking

Adding carcinogens to your body is always a bad idea, particularly if you are already suffering from a form of cancer. In terms of lymphoma, eliminating cigarettes will allow your body to focus on the cancerous growth, rather than splitting its attention. Smoking also weakens the immune system and increases the chances of chronic disease, so kick the habit today!


Iodine has been known to directly attack cancer cells, so taking iodine supplements is appropriate for all types of cancers. You can increase your iodine intake by adding iodine-rich foods like yogurt, beans, cheese, and potatoes.

Green Tea Extract

The catechins and epicatechins in green tea are natural anti-cancer and anti-tumor substances, so the concentrated effects of green tea in its extract is particularly effective at protecting you from a wide range of cancers, including lymphomas.


One of the main side effects of lymphoma is a notable loss of weight, and it can help to add some steroids to your diet in order to boost the body back to normal levels. Licorice contains various steroid-like compounds, in addition to active ingredients that directly impact the spread and severity of lymphomas in the body.

Milk Thistle

This popular herb is used for many different health conditions, primarily in terms of detoxifying the body and improving the functionality of the liver. By adding [8] milk thistle to your daily health regimen, you greatly increase your glutathione content, an important component of protecting metabolic health.

Lower Stress

Stress hormones can be helpful in certain settings, but also dangerous in others, particularly if they are constantly present in the body. This can exhaust the metabolism, lower energy levels, and have more serious impacts. If you can lower stress through meditation or yoga, eliminating excess cortisol in the body is always a good way to lower oxidative stress in the body.


Vitamin D from the sunshine is arguably the easiest home remedy for lymphoma, as you need only step outside to soak up the benefits. Vitamin D actively eliminates many of the symptoms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, so although it may not always be easy, getting a healthy dose of sunshine can keep cancer at bay.

Alcohol Intake

Excessive alcohol intake weakens the body, so while it may seem relaxing to blow off some steam with a night of imbibing, this can compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to chronic disease and cancer like lymphoma.

Olive Leaf Extract

Lymphomas are essentially tumors, and one of the best herbal extracts to eliminate tumors is olive leaf extract. While not the most commonly found herbal supplement, olive leaf extract’s polyphenols and flavonoids are extremely important in your body’s cancer defense.


This ancient Chinese herb is like a bloodhound for cancer cells and can effectively seek out and neutralize mutated cells, while leaving healthy cells intact. This may not be the easiest remedy to find, but it has proven its effectiveness for thousands of years.

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