What are Brazil Nuts?
Brazil nuts (scientifically known as Bertholletia excelsa are a nutrient-dense and delicious type of nuts that come from a tree in South America bearing the same name. The tree is native to South American countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil, and can often be found along the banks of major rivers. Here are some brazil nuts benefits.
Brazil Nuts Nutrition Facts
Brazil nuts are one of the healthiest nuts available, particularly due to their unusually high selenium content. [3] The nuts have an impressive mineral and vitamin profile as they contain thiamin, vitamins E and C, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. They score high among nuts as a high-protein (14%), low carbohydrate (12%) choice. 85% of their calories come from fats, primarily from omega 6-fatty acids. The gluten-free nuts are an excellent source of dietary fiber too.
Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts
There is a huge demand for these delicious brown nuts in the market due to their powerful health benefits. Let us discuss the benefits in detail:
High Protein Nut
A lot of people forget about the real importance of protein in their diet, particularly if they are on a restricted diet or are a vegetarian. So, a handful of these nuts can be a helpful boost to keep your protein levels up!
Treats Zinc Deficiency
Zinc in Brazil nuts helps treat Acrodermatitis enteropathica. This is a rare genetic disorder in which the body is unable to absorb sufficient amounts of zinc.
Hair Care
L-arginine, an amino acid in the nuts, is mainly used to treat alopecia or male baldness as it encourages the growth of lustrous, thick hair. Brazil nuts are also rich in omega 3s, vitamin E, and selenium, which help to make the hair shiny, healthy and less prone to breakage.
Weight Loss
Brazil nuts, which are high in protein and fiber, make for a nutrient-dense snack for weight watchers. They keep you feeling full for a longer time.
Stimulate Digestive System
The fiber content of Brazil nuts makes them great for tuning up your digestive system. Fiber facilitates peristaltic motion in the gastrointestinal system, moving food through the digestive system and extracting as many nutrients as possible. This can also help you prevent gastric ulcers, constipation, bloating, cramps, and serious conditions like colon cancer. Also, you will find an increase in energy levels and an improvement in weight loss by keeping your system clean and functioning smoothly.
Boost Immune System
Any food that has such a high concentration of nutrients is helpful for strengthening the immune system. The antioxidants and organic compounds present in this nut make it a strong contender for one of the most immune-boosting nuts around. The vitamin C content couples wonderfully with selenium and zinc to stimulate the production of white blood cells and antioxidant compounds throughout the body to neutralize free radicals. All of this helps in preventing many chronic illnesses, including cancer and coronary heart disease. As mentioned earlier, the glutathione enabled by the presence of selenium is an enzymatic antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in all parts of the body that cause cancer.