Food Health

11 Star Fruit Health Benefits & Side Effects

Star Fruit Benefits & Side Effects

The health benefits of star fruit (Carambola) include boosting the immune system, stimulating lactation, detoxifying the body, relieving respiratory distress, protecting the skin, aiding in weight loss, speeding up the metabolism, preventing cancer, optimizing digestion and building strong bones. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and boosts hair and skin health.

What Is Star Fruit?

Star fruit is an exotic variety of fruit that is packed with nutrients and minerals, which has recently gained global popularity. Starfruit is the fruit of a tree with the scientific name Averrhoa carambola. The fruit is approximately 3-6 inches in length and the flesh of the fruit is greenish yellow to yellow and is crisp and tart in taste. It may also have two to five tiny, edible seeds. The name comes from the distinct shape of this fruit when it is cut in a cross-section – it has the shape of a star. The entire fruit can be eaten including the waxy outer layer. The tree of this fruit can be found throughout Southeast Asia and other tropical areas including the Caribbean and Latin America.

When the fruit is ripe, it is light yellow with slightly brown ridges. It is best to avoid smaller, green fruits as these tend to be quite sour and unpleasant to eat. This fruit is sought after due to its nutrient density and antioxidant levels.

Star Fruit Nutrition Facts

Starfruit contains an extremely low number of calories but it is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and B vitamins, as well as phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. Furthermore, the fruit has a high concentration of antioxidants like polyphenolic compounds, such as quercetin, epicatechin, and gallic acid.

Health Benefits Of Star Fruit

benefits of star fruit

Let us have a look at some of the most important health benefits of starfruit.

Detoxifies the Body

Known as a diuretic, this fruit can stimulate urination, which can be helpful for someone looking to detox. This fruit will help to cleanse both the liver and the kidneys, although people with pre-existing kidney conditions should eat this fruit with caution. By increasing urination, star fruit can lower levels of toxins, excess salts and fats within the body.

Controls Diabetes

Research has found that this insoluble fiber-rich fruit can prevent the release of glucose after eating and readily control insulin levels in the body, making it an ideal snack for people who want to avoid diabetes or for diabetic patients to manage their symptoms.

Balances Blood Pressure

With a moderate amount of potassium, star fruit is able to reduce your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes by relieving tension on blood vessels and arteries. By eliminating hypertension, your heart will be able to rest, circulation can be more effectively carried out, and the fluid balance in your body will be appropriately maintained.

Increases Bone Mineral Density

There is a diverse range of minerals in star fruit, and while the fruit is not a great source or these essential nutrients, it does contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and calcium, all of which can help promote better bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis as we age.

Boosts Immunity

A single medium-sized star fruit has approximately 50% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C, which is great news for your immune system. With a solid vitamin C boost in your morning fruit smoothie, your immune system will be functioning at a high level, with an optimal number of white blood cells, in conjunction with vitamin C, as an antioxidant, throughout the body.

Skin Care

Armed with quercetin, gallic acid, and other polyphenolic flavonoids, star fruit is packed with antioxidants that can counter the effects of oxidative stress and neutralize free radicals before they can damage the skin. This includes preventing or minimizing the appearance of wrinkles, while also keeping the skin moisturized and blemish-free as you age.

Prevents Cancer

Research on star fruit has revealed that it can be a potent anti-cancer fruit, thanks to its dense antioxidant and fiber content. The polyphenolic flavonoids found in star fruit are able to counter the mutagenic effects of free radicals and clear them out of the body before they can do damage and lead to chronic disease. Furthermore, the fiber in star fruit will cleanse the colon and reduce toxicity levels, helping to lower your risk of colon cancer.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

With a very low amount of natural fat and a high level of dietary fiber, this tropical fruit is great for managing and reducing cholesterol levels. Fiber helps to regulate LDL cholesterol and elevate HDL cholesterol, thus lowering your risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Promotes Weight Loss

With a tiny amount of calories per fruit (28 calories on average), this tropical treat won’t compromise your calorie goals, if you are trying to lose weight. Furthermore, it is full of fiber and other nutrients that can speed the metabolism and improve inflammation, all of which can help support your effort to shed those extra pounds. Fiber will also help you to feel full faster, lowering your chances of overeating or snacking between meals.

Improves Digestion

Dietary fiber is a key element in digestion, as it can stimulate the movement of stool through the digestive tract, relieving symptoms of constipation, bloating, cramping and diarrhea. Furthermore, it can help to improve nutrient uptake and the bioavailability of other essential minerals and vitamins. Both the inner fruit and the waxy peel of star fruit provide significant levels of dietary fiber.

Improves Respiratory Health

This fruit is known as an anti-inflammatory and cooling agent that can promote salivation and cut through mucus or phlegm. This makes it a popular remedy for respiratory infections and general health, alleviating sore throats and addressing underlying infections of the respiratory system. These are health benefits of star fruit.

Side Effects Of Star Fruit

Unfortunately, there are a few side effects of star fruit that should be taken seriously including lethal toxicity under certain conditions, as well as allergic reactions, kidney stones, and drug interactions.

Kidney Stones – Similarly, this fruit has a very high concentration of oxalic acid, which is okay in moderate amounts, when your kidneys are functioning normally. However, eating a lot of this fruit can increase your risk of kidney stone development.

Toxicity – Some of the compounds in star fruit can be dangerous – and even deadly – if they aren’t properly processed out by the body. Therefore, if you have kidney disease and are unable to filter out certain neurotoxins, star fruit can result in headaches, confusion, nausea, seizures and even death. Most people with kidney issues and all uremic patients are recommended to avoid star fruit.

Drug Interactions – The active ingredients in star fruit are known to interact with many medications, namely making them non-functional in the body. This inhibitory action can be dangerous if you are on multiple prescriptions, therefore, speak to your doctor before eating star fruit if this in such scenario.

Allergies – While allergies to star fruit are uncommon, they are not unheard of and may result in digestive upset, such as diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. When consuming star fruit for the first time, try just a small amount to see how your body reacts.

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